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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


So as we all know this past week was the release of Lady gaga's Born This Way cd. Which in turn lead to the Haus of Gaga to throw 5 amazing parties in 5 different cities all around the country. Obviously Las Vegas was chosen to be one of the host cities for a Gaga event. What better place to have this event held at other then The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas at there beautiful Boulevard pool. While I was enjoying the night hoping to see if Lady Gaga would show up I wound up getting a little tipsy thanks to the bomb drinks the bartenders were making. I was able to get some pictures of the event, they might not be of the best quality but its the best I could do. So I hope you guys enjoy this post & those of you who went did you have a great time? 

btw mother monster was not present :(

Lady Kimora (Host of the night) Trevor Michael, Justin & Me
GaGa Take Over of The Strip
Put your PAWS UP!
Sexy GoGo
Fierce GoGo
View from DJ Booth


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